Wednesday, March 11, 2009 ; 5:28 AM
There will be training tmr ( 12/03/09 )
Attire:P.E Tee / Guides Tee & P.E Shorts.
Black Shoes.
Agenda:P.T & Games! :D
Girls please be punctual so we can start the game asap after P.T.
Attendance is compulsory,see you (:
{/♥XiNTinG :]
Friday, February 6, 2009 ; 11:08 PM
hey gals =) how was thursday trainging ? seriously i tink was ruin. we were supposed to play with ncc but we didnt plan anyting. nvm its okay.. as u all noe tt yuanting cried. seriously, u gals take our kindness for granted! we do not wan to treat u gals lyk how amirah treated us. if tt is de way u all wan to be? then juz let it be. we can be juz lyk wat amirah treated us. so tell mi do u all wan to suffer lyk how we did? must we reli scold u all then u all will listen up ? can u all be more discipline ? Cant u all juz whisper when u r toking or cant u all even stop toking for jzu a few mins? i nboe tt most of de sec 4s saw tis post ut i hope sec2s to sec4s read tis. if u all wan noe how terrible we had suffered we r willing to share with u all!
Saturday, January 31, 2009 ; 1:41 AM
sec 2s n 3s buck up on ur foot drills =) Thinking day is coming. we have no tym to drill on ur marching. sec 1s will be coming in next thursday =) great! we will have to play game. Atire should be P.E attire. will comfirm with u gals by tuesday =) thursday training was fun. Yuanting, Beatrice , Raymond, Faris , WeiXiang n mi were all discussing abt de camp. i can assure u all tt it will be fun~! i'm looking forward to de camp =) i swear to u all tt its will be reli fun =) keep de tag board rolling =)
Sunday, January 25, 2009 ; 7:43 AM
Happy New Year!!
do have fun these 4 days =) after our 4 days of holiday , everything will be back to normal. girl guide will be more strict than last year. no more ankle socks, fringe n last but not least smart in ur attire! i will try to snap more of u ppl photos =) lyk wat i say first will be Xinting =D. hahas.. be ready for de snapping of ur photo , xinting. hahaa... happy new year to u ppl in advance =)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 ; 1:50 AM
i guess mani of u noe de tym for tml's trainging =) full uni with white shoe! fall in at 3.30 ! will end at 6.30 =).
Friday, January 16, 2009 ; 3:40 AM
i hope u gals did had fun yesterday =) i noe u all had done ur best in snatching more gals in , but there were onli 17 ppl in de name list. Hopefully, more gals is joining guides. Lets pray hard tt we r having our UG camp in de june holiday! Hope tt Ms Faeza will approve with de proposal tt Mr Lim had made. Weee~! Lets pray hard!! =)
Huanyin is here again =)
anyone of de gals who have de password is allowed to do their posting =)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009 ; 1:40 AM
Hey gals! its sad tt there is onli 3 post! Dun worry, i will be here to update u ppl =) if i do not have de tym i will ask someone to blog it. Tml fall in at 3 , attire : Full Uni with White shoe! see u gals tml =) will be a fun day! Lets pull more gals in to guides!
huanyin was here =)
BGSS Girl Guides 2009.
Be Prepared!
Miss Nurfaeza Rahmat
Miss Tan Ai Fen
We Consist Of
Leader:Tan Yuan Ting [4e3]
Leaders:Chay Huan Yin[4n1],Beatrice Tham[4n1]
Nurul Shahirah,Flower Pecker[4e2]
Chloe Tan,Mynah[4e1]
Loh Xin Ting,Oriole[4e3]
Felicia Tan,Kingfisher[4e3]
Siti Ayuni,Sparrow
& 6
Tagboard codes here.